Had a wonderful time in Virginia – thanks to all who hosted me – you know who you are! Also thanks to the staff of the Virginia Festival of the Book, to our panel host Jon Lohman, and fellow presenters Jon Kay, Theresa Kubasak and Gabe Huck, excellent authors all.
As always, the “mother of presidents” was a stimulating place, fascinating, sad, brilliant and old. Wonderful conversations with so many thoughtful and expressive people.
I made a lot of photos. Here’s a sampling of black and whites:
“Mary’s Spring House,” Riner VA – reminded me so much of the work of D.W. Griffith’s cameraman my first title was “Billie Bitzer”
“The Gate”: Snidow family grave yard in Pembroke VA – past the gate, my beloved Aunt Caroline Andrews
Life beside the tracks and in the shadow of the water tower, train yard, Radford VA
and back to Mary’s spring house, right side